video / poem essay, online archive, fragrance
This project delves into the unsettling reality of "buruh siluman," the invisible laborers hidden within Indonesia's palm oil plantations. Inspired by the speculative lens of Javafuturism, akin to Afrofuturism, I explore the silenced narratives of these workers through a blend of research and artistic expression. Javafuturism's grounding in Javanese kejawen, a nature-based belief system, becomes a source of both exploration and metaphor. This project is based on the research of Dr. Hariati Sinaga, researcher/activist in women's labour relations.
The haunting presence of the Melati flower, or Jasmine, carries a dual meaning. Its fragrance evokes otherworldly spirits, echoing the spectral existence of the buruh siluman. Simultaneously, the flower's use as a pseudonym for sexual assault victims in media underscores the vulnerability hidden within these plantations.